...being a (fictional) chronicle of an everyday teacher, from a school near you...

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Is it the chair?

PD Day today, so a 9 o'clock start, which means not having to actually be in the building til 5 to 9 - luxury!  And with coffee and catching up we didn't get going til 9.30, so that wasn't so bad.  It was all about delivering 'outstanding' lessons...hmm.. wonder what that might mean could be in store.  Anyway, it was all very interesting and informative I'm sure - basically you just work harder in every respect, write extra long and detailed lesson plans, sing and dance a lot and keep the little darllings' noses to the grindstone because they're SO enthusaistic about your wonderfully creative ideas. Keep talking about learning objectives and success criteria, throw in a dollop of self-assessment and you're in. So no problem then.

But the biggest news of the day is that Tanya's pregnant.  Some say about time...others say she was jealous of the three who got there before her... but all are agreed that the chair has something to do with it.  She's the third person to get pregnant in that room in three years!  You don't suppose there really could be something in that, do you?  One thing's for sure - the Head ain't too pleased!  More maternity leave!!

Oh yes - the cake went down well! (Though no-one asked for the recipe...)

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